No Exit

Snowglobe Theatre

Company website

A Valet welcomes you to your stay as you witness three characters endure their own personal hell. With no official torturer, these three candidates begin to take on that role. With every movement and choice, the other two feel the tug. The story follows Garcin; a journalist and coward who wears many masks, Inez; a sadistic and cruel postal clerk, Estelle; an anxious socialite in denial, each with their own secrets. Sartre exposes these characters for who they really are through clever wit and amusing intelligent dialogue. In doing so Garcin, Inez, and Estelle are showcased and forced to open up to each other with the audience as vehicles for Sartres famous philosophy Hell Is Other People. More so, No Exit shows a snag somewhere, something disagreeable and it may very well be that these characters sins and the way they view others is similar to our own.
Witness this renowned, epic, and thought-provoking play like youve never seen it before. Feel the thoughts of Sartre twist and turn in your mind through the hilarity and despair that plays a balancing act through the dialogue.
In Mainline Theatres in-the-round style seating, it will truly feel like there is no exit for the residents in hell. Pick your side and story and see if you can own up to your choice.
Duy Nguyen as The Valet
Alex Goldrich as Josef Garcin
Samantha Bitonti as Inez Serrano
Zamera (Amy) Topolovec as Estelle Rigault


  • Thursday 5 July 2018 / 20:00
  • Friday 6 July 2018 / 20:00
  • Saturday 7 July 2018 / 20:00
  • Sunday 8 July 2018 / 14:00

90 minutes
Pas de retardataires / No latecomers

Coming Soon

Nous avons rassemblé une sélection exaltante de prix, dont plusieurs proviennent de vos restaurants, magasins de vêtements et salles montréalaises préférées. Venez prendre un verre, profitez de la compagnie des amis·es du Fringe et aidez-nous à recueillir des fonds pour présenter l'édition de cette année du FringeMTL.

Join us at the first FringeMTL social event of the season. We've collected an exciting selection of prizes! Come out for a drink, enjoy the company of Fringe Friends and help us raise money to present this year's edition of FringeMTL.

A hotel you can stay in…forever. Staff are eager to help, and metaphysical boundaries are mostly respected. That is, until a has-been celebrity comes to stay.

"Tango in fusion est une œuvre qui combine l’art du tango avec différents styles de danse. Ceux-ci permettent de visualiser par le mouvement et la dramaturgie, certains conflits socioculturels et émotionnels auxquels nous sommes tous confrontés.

Les artistes de tango in fusion s’expriment à travers d’histoires personnelles une extase de la danse du tango dans son essence. Ce qui permet aussi avec la diversité des autres types de mouvements et musique. une connexion avec le spectateur afin de visualiser et briser différents stéréotypes socioculturels."