Le Malade Imaginaire


Une des comédies les plus célèbres de Molière, cette version contemporaine du Malade imaginaire, mise en scène par Michaël Blais, est la première pièce produite par la troupe Franc-Jeu, premier club de théâtre francophone à l'université McGill.


One of Molière's most celebrated piece of work, this modern adaptation of Le Malade imaginaire, directed by Michaël Blais, is the first play being produced by Franc-Jeu, the first French theatre club at McGill University.


*Pour les billets d'étudiant, appellez le 514.849.3378 ou visitez notre billetterie au 3997, boul. Saint-Laurent (ouvert de 14h à 18h, mardi à samedi).

*For student tickets, call 514.849,3378 or visit our box office at 3997 St-Laurent Blvd (open 2pm-6pm, Tue-Sat).



  • Jeudi 29 Janvier 2015 / 20:00
  • Vendredi 30 Janvier 2015 / 20:00
  • Samedi 31 Janvier 2015 / 14:00
  • Samedi 31 Janvier 2015 / 20:00

90 minutes
Retardataires / Latecomers : 90 minutes

Coming Soon

The Creator of the Universe is coming to Montréal for the first time ever! God takes the stage in the form of Montréal actor Donald Rees in An Act of God: the divinely funny, critically acclaimed Broadway hit play by David Javerbaum, in which God and His devoted angels answer the deepest questions that have plagued mankind since creation.

Nous avons rassemblé une sélection exaltante de prix, dont plusieurs proviennent de vos restaurants, magasins de vêtements et salles montréalaises préférées. Venez prendre un verre, profitez de la compagnie des amis·es du Fringe et aidez-nous à recueillir des fonds pour présenter l'édition de cette année du FringeMTL.

Join us at the first FringeMTL social event of the season. We've collected an exciting selection of prizes! Come out for a drink, enjoy the company of Fringe Friends and help us raise money to present this year's edition of FringeMTL.

INSIDE MADPOETIX STUDIO is revolutionizing our Soirées Intimes Series by allowing the audience to get to know the feature performer through an interview during the show live. The artist will be interviewed by our host Kym Dominique Ferguson @Mrkdferguson. This is a one of a kind experience. There will be 8 Open Mic spots available for all genres: spoken word, poetry, comedy, singers, clowns, dancers, you name it we welcome it. They are each given a 5 min timeslot.