Confabulation presents: Not My Job


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Confabulation, Montreal's original, autobiographical storytelling event is thrilled to be back at Mainline with another night of stories, true as we can tell them. This month, we're presenting Not My Job — Stories of paying your dues, labours of love, and learning to say no.


  • Samedi 15 Octobre 2022 / 20:00

75 minutes
Pour âges / For ages 12+
Retardataires / Latecomers : 75 minutes

Coming Soon

Session # 176 - D&D

Embark on an epic quest with Infernal Temptation during this Dungeons & Dragons-inspired life drawing event! Draw him bringing your favourite character classes to life, be they from old school RPGs or the latest Baldur's Gate video game. Just don't roll a critical miss!

Whether you wield your pencil like a wand or are just beginning your artistic journey, all skill levels are welcome. Simply grab your sketchbook, roll for initiative, and let your imagination soar!

"DIVAS est un cabaret de théâtre musical bilingue mettant en vedette des artistes de tailles plus célébrant la féminité.
DIVAS is a bilingual musical theatre cabaret showcasing plus-size performers celebrating femininity."

Meltdowns, diagrams, textures, vampires... what is it like to be autistic? And is it possible to convey that experience to others? There's only one way to find out: by trying, for better or for worse.