Montreal PORN Karaoke!

Inconsolable Cat Productions

Come make nasty noises & fake orgasms on a microphone as porn stars fuck on a big screen! A sultry and funktastic soundtrack of porn music from the 70’s will accompany you on your jizz-tinged journey. Each clip is 2 minutes. Perform alone or in pairs!

NOTE: After every sixth porn karaoke clip, as a palate cleanser, the crowd shall engage in a karaoke choir singing of a pop song.

NOTE: Yes, there will be a bar.

Saturday, March 18th, 2017
Doors and sign-up at 8:30 PM
Porn Karaoke from 9 to midnight,
after which will be some crowd karaoke.

The Mainline Theatre
3997 Boul. St-Laurent
(just south of Duluth on the e. side.)
$10 at the door
Regretfully, the Mainline Theatre is not wheelchair-accessible.

A WORD OF WARNING: A large assortment of various pornographies will be shown during the course of the evening. There is a high likelihood that you will see pornography that is not the kind you use or are used to seeing. If this happens, we urge you to close your eyes. This is a queer and straight-friendly event. All kinds of sexualities will be on display. Homophobia, straightphobia, or douchebaggery of any sort will NOT BE TOLERATED. Further, if hateful, misogynist, homo/hetero-phobic speech is uttered, even in jest, the violator will be ejected. Our goal, as always, is to create a safe and warm environment for everyone involved. We appreciate your co-operation and love. We thank you for taking a chance on weird events.


  • Samedi 18 Mars 2017 / 21:00

180 minutes
Pour âges / For ages 18+
Retardataires / Latecomers : 180 minutes

Coming Soon

"Show d'humour bilingue sans dude cis sur scène! Animé par Caro Monast, 8 invité·es de FEU. Debout·tes, on smash le patriarcat à grands coups de jokes!"

Bilingual stand-up comedy night without cis dudes on stage.
MC by Caro Monast, 8 FIRE guests. Standing up, we smash patriarchy with punchlines!"

Les Bestioles est un spectacle de danse inspiré par le voyage de la jeune Lucie dans le jardin de sa grand-mère, l’amenant à découvrir un monde rempli de petites bêtes jusqu’alors inconnues à ses yeux. Elle assiste à l’expression de ces bestioles et à leur transformation.

Confabulation -- Montreal's long-running, true-life storytelling series is back with another night of stories, true as we can tell them. This month -- we're previewing some of the great storytellers performing at this year's St. Ambroise Montreal Fringe Festival! Come for a sneak peak of this summer's amazing solo shows.