Cinco de Mayo BénéVolunteer Party

Festival St-Ambroise Fringe Montréal / St-Ambroise Montreal Fringe Festival

Company website

Can’t wait for the FRINGE to start?
Love to smash papier-mâché animals filled with candy?
Want to meet our tiny, tiny Volunteer Coordinator?
Then you’ve landed in the right place!

We’re not only celebrating the Cinco de Mayo, but the start of something beautiful: The St-Ambroise Montreal FRINGE is turning 25!
25 years means grandiose fun, fantastic volunteers and limbo!

Come on down and have a blast, bring your sombrero, your maracas and your awesome dance moves because this night is going to be hot-hot-hot.

Tu n'en peux plus d'attendre la venue du FRINGE ?
Tu aimes varger sur des animaux de papier mâché, rempli de bonbons?
Tu as envie de rencontrer notre minuscule coordonnatrice des bénévoles?
Alors tu es au bon endroit !

On ne célèbre pas seulement le Cinco de Mayo, mais le début de quelque chose de magnifique : Le Festival St-Ambroise FRINGE de Montréal fête ses 25 ans !
25 ans, ça veut dire du plaisir à n’en plus finir, des bénévoles endiablés et beaucoup de limbo !

Viens te déchaîner, amène ton sombrero, tes maracas et tes déhanchements parce que cette soirée sera trippante !

300 minutes
Pour âges / For ages 18+
Retardataires / Latecomers : 300 minutes

Coming Soon

What if you entered an empty rehearsal hall and suddenly an audience appears? Joseph Ste-Marie brings his experimental scripted/improvised one-man show, This Show is Broken back to the stage! This remount blends the 2021 Digital Theatre production from the Montreal FRINGE Festival and the original 2015 production at the 2nd annual Shortstanding Festival. Ste-Marie must perform his show as he explores his life, struggles, missteps, and tries to show that it’s not too late to pursue your dreams…. However, Joseph is challenged to be honest with himself so his show can be authentic as possible without being blinded by ambition.

Nous avons rassemblé une sélection exaltante de prix, dont plusieurs proviennent de vos restaurants, magasins de vêtements et salles montréalaises préférées. Venez prendre un verre, profitez de la compagnie des amis·es du Fringe et aidez-nous à recueillir des fonds pour présenter l'édition de cette année du FringeMTL.

Join us at the first FringeMTL social event of the season. We've collected an exciting selection of prizes! Come out for a drink, enjoy the company of Fringe Friends and help us raise money to present this year's edition of FringeMTL.

A hotel you can stay in…forever. Staff are eager to help, and metaphysical boundaries are mostly respected. That is, until a has-been celebrity comes to stay.