McGill Drama Festival

Players' Theatre

Company website

Players Theatre’s annual McGill Drama Festival is here! This is the only place at McGill to find student-written plays that are entirely student-directed, produced and performed. With a total of six different plays, and three different shows per night, each attendee may be thrown into a futuristic society, the world of pseudo-Shakespeare, or in the backroom of an old speakeasy! Come to laugh, to cry, to shout (but mostly to laugh), and enjoy the best student-theatre has to offer.

Show Descriptions:
The Bottomless Pit in the Backroom of Nick’s Speakeasy:

What is mortal coin to the heavenly host? What is the currency of virtue? What is the one and only wager in the great everlasting game between Heaven and Hell? One soul, of course. _The Bottomless Pit_ is a dark comedy about the never-ending game of Good and Evil. Its players: a narcissistic musician, a scheming devil, and a greedy angel—all over a bottle of gin, a hand of cards, and in a seedy back room of Nick's Speakeasy.

8 1/2 Collisions:

This is the part of me that thinks outer space is all dead. When Ferris Powell collides with the mercurial June Hayes in a psychiatric hospital, the two begin to explore the corners of their shrunken world.

A Man in Hue:

In a tale of love and mistaken identities, Annie tries to get to the bottom of his lover Sebastian's sudden rejection of him, who is now engaged to marry the countess Olivia. Along the way, he seeks help from Antonio, who has been scorned by his own lover, Maria, Olivia’s lady in waiting, and Miranda, a kind stranger, to get back his beau. In the end, he must crash the countess' wedding to discover the truth.

Mike and Jo (Jo and Mike):

Set in a futuristic society similar to ours, Mike and Jo (Jo and Mike) follows former couple Mike and Josephine through their ‘Relationship Recovery’ session, a program designed to allow coupes to end their relationship on amicable terms. The program forces it’s participants to rewatch their relationship unfold through holographic memories and forces them to work together to unpack what went right and what went wrong. _Mike and Jo_ highlights the ups and downs every relationship faces, something that will ring true for any patrons who have ever been in love. It is a story of love and heartbreak, and showcases the ways in which the people we love shape who we are.

Young Love:

Young Love is a story involving two female teenagers, Ari and Beatrice, going on their very first date. Their movie night was recorded to be displayed on Discovery Channel’s ‘Human Week’. The audience is taken through their journey through the commentary of the host to explain the science behind ‘puppy love’. As the play progresses, Ari and Beatrice reveal their dreams and secrets, allowing them to become quite comfortable in each other’s presence.

Yellow Room:

Two friends reflect back on the night that they saw the most mysterious and mesmerizing place in their world; recounting the tale of a dear friend from their youth - the spectacle herself.

Tickets on sale soon!
Shows: February 13-23, 2019!


  • Wednesday 13 February 2019 / 19:30
  • Thursday 14 February 2019 / 19:30
  • Friday 15 February 2019 / 19:30
  • Saturday 16 February 2019 / 19:30
  • Wednesday 20 February 2019 / 19:30
  • Thursday 21 February 2019 / 19:30
  • Friday 22 February 2019 / 19:30
  • Saturday 23 February 2019 / 14:00
  • Saturday 23 February 2019 / 16:30

135 minutes
Pour âges / For ages 13+
Retardataires / Latecomers : 5 minutes

Coming Soon

"Le Collectif Les Tisseuses s’est formé à partir de l’envie de rassembler des femmes et des personnes non binaires autour du jeu théâtral en décloisonnant les pratiques et les imaginaires. Il est composé de huit artistes aux origines, pratiques et vécus multiples.

Les Tisseuses ouvrent leur espace créatif avec une étape de la pièce Notre tour c’est quand?, une proposition scénique intimiste.

La pièce raconte l'histoire des funérailles de Pilar, la matriarche d'un quartier. On y retrouve des femmes aux horizons pluriels venues honorer la mémoire de celle qui a su entrelacer leurs existences en leur offrant la possibilité d’assembler leurs histoires. À travers ce moment de deuil, se tissent des liens qui transcendent les frontières de leur famille, de leur quartier et de leur pays, offrant un portrait poignant de la force des relations féminines et de la sororité.

En se rassemblant à la croisée des cycles de vies, les personnages que vous allez rencontrer s’adressent des questions millénaires, et cheminent au cœur de leurs vérités en nous rappelant qu’il n’est de refuge plus solide que celui de nos solidarités.

La pièce s’achèvera par un échange entre les artistes et le public, permettant de recueillir les impressions de ce dernier. Modéré par la directrice artistique du festival.

Session # 176 - D&D

Embark on an epic quest with Infernal Temptation during this Dungeons & Dragons-inspired life drawing event! Draw him bringing your favourite character classes to life, be they from old school RPGs or the latest Baldur's Gate video game. Just don't roll a critical miss!

Whether you wield your pencil like a wand or are just beginning your artistic journey, all skill levels are welcome. Simply grab your sketchbook, roll for initiative, and let your imagination soar!

"Show d'humour bilingue sans dude cis sur scène! Animé par Caro Monast, 8 invité·es de FEU. Debout·tes, on smash le patriarcat à grands coups de jokes!"

Bilingual stand-up comedy night without cis dudes on stage.
MC by Caro Monast, 8 FIRE guests. Standing up, we smash patriarchy with punchlines!"