me, myself & eye

Mainline Theatre

Company website

Written and performed by MainLine Theatre's artist in residence: Stéphanie Morin-Robert

me, myself & eye
A one woman show about a young girl with a glass eye and her struggle to find self-acceptance.

Through authentic movement, charming and intimate storytelling, Stéphanie Morin-Robert brings the audience into the hilarious and heartwarming world of a little girl with a very unique perspective, quite literally!

With a yummy bake sale by the lovely dancers from @ForBodyandLight. ♥

January 22nd - 8pm
with opening choreography/solo by: Marie-France Jacques

January 23rd - 8pm
with opening musical act by: Emily Rajotte

January 24th - 8pm
with opening musical act by: Leighland Beckman

January 25th - 4pm
with opening act by: Mitchell Cohen

January 25th - 8pm
with opening choreography/duo by: Marie-Pier Gilbert

RoverArts Review:
Bloody Underrated:


  • Wednesday 22 January 2014 / 20:00
  • Thursday 23 January 2014 / 20:00
  • Friday 24 January 2014 / 20:00
  • Saturday 25 January 2014 / 16:00
  • Saturday 25 January 2014 / 20:00

Pas de retardataires / No latecomers

Coming Soon

INSIDE MADPOETIX STUDIO is revolutionizing our Soirées Intimes Series by allowing the audience to get to know the feature performer through an interview during the show live. The artist will be interviewed by our host Kym Dominique Ferguson @Mrkdferguson. This is a one of a kind experience. There will be 8 Open Mic spots available for all genres: spoken word, poetry, comedy, singers, clowns, dancers, you name it we welcome it. They are each given a 5 min timeslot.

Nous avons rassemblé une sélection exaltante de prix, dont plusieurs proviennent de vos restaurants, magasins de vêtements et salles montréalaises préférées. Venez prendre un verre, profitez de la compagnie des amis·es du Fringe et aidez-nous à recueillir des fonds pour présenter l'édition de cette année du FringeMTL.

Join us at the first FringeMTL social event of the season. We've collected an exciting selection of prizes! Come out for a drink, enjoy the company of Fringe Friends and help us raise money to present this year's edition of FringeMTL.

"Tango in fusion est une œuvre qui combine l’art du tango avec différents styles de danse. Ceux-ci permettent de visualiser par le mouvement et la dramaturgie, certains conflits socioculturels et émotionnels auxquels nous sommes tous confrontés.

Les artistes de tango in fusion s’expriment à travers d’histoires personnelles une extase de la danse du tango dans son essence. Ce qui permet aussi avec la diversité des autres types de mouvements et musique. une connexion avec le spectateur afin de visualiser et briser différents stéréotypes socioculturels."